最新消息,正在日本东京举办的芝华士鸡尾酒大师赛全球决赛刚刚揭晓最终结果,中国赛区冠军、来自上海彼楼的调酒师atsushi suzuki获得冠军。这是中国区参赛选手首次获得这项国际
最新消息,正在日本东京举办的芝华士鸡尾酒大师赛全球决赛刚刚揭晓最终结果,中国赛区冠军、来自上海彼楼的调酒师atsushi suzuki获得冠军。这是中国区参赛选手首次获得这项国际赛事桂冠。
this just in – atsushi suzuki, china's representative at this year's global final of the chivas masters has just been crowned world champion! this is the first time that a representative from china has won a global bartending title for the country.
本届芝华士鸡尾酒大师赛全球总决赛的评委包括iain giffiths (my lyan)、 micah melton (alinea group)、 chris lowder(proof and company)、dre masso (potato head)以及rogerio igarashi vaz(bar trench and tram)。7月5日晚上11点左右,评审团在东京ana洲际酒店mixx酒廊宣布,经过五天激烈角逐,中国区冠军atsushi suzuki获得本届芝华士鸡尾酒大师赛全球冠军。
announced at a ceremony at 11pm in ana intercontinental tokyo's mixx bar and lounge, the speak low bar manager beat out 14 other national representatives from around the world over five days of competition in the japanese capital to clinch the title.
photo: thecocktaillovers.com
在全球决赛中,15位来自世界各地的精英调酒师进行了四轮个人赛和最终团队赛。在刚刚结束的决赛最终轮团队赛上,atsushi suzuki奉上一款以“天”为灵感的鸡尾酒double talk,最终力压来自法国、日本、瑞士和美国的参赛选手,加冕2017年芝华士大师。
judges for the finals include iain giffiths (my lyan), micah melton (alinea group), chris lowder (proof and company), dre masso (formerly from potato head) and rogerio igarashi vaz (bar trench and tram), and the competitors had to duke it out over four rounds of individual drinks making, before reaching a team stage on the final day of the competition.
atsushi suzuki的团队赛队友是评委代表iain giffiths、香港代表ryan nightingale和墨西哥代表haba flores。评委团表示,atsushi suzuki表现出的工匠精神、热情服务和对质量的专注,超越了语言和文化的隔阂,征服了来自全世界的热爱鸡尾酒的人士。
in the group round, atsushi led his team consisting of mexico's representative haba flores, griffiths and hong kong rep ryan nightingale to deliver his signature creation, double talk (see below for recipe), inspired by his assigned theme, heaven. he beat teams led by bartenders from france, japan, switzerland and usa to grab the win, and this eventually put him in good stead to take the title of overall champion at the global finals.
atsushi与中国香港调酒师ryan nightingale及墨西哥调酒师haba flores
atsushi with hong kong representative ryan nightingale and mexico's haba flores
atsushi suzuki来自日本,17岁进入调酒师行业,曾在纽约的angel's share以及伦敦、多伦多的酒吧工作后,他来到上海,担任彼楼和sober company的酒吧经理。在今年的亚洲50佳酒吧榜单中,彼楼和sober company分列第二和第十九位。
atsushi's triumph at the global finals of this 2017's chivas masters is the culmination of years of hard work. after joining the industry at the age of 17, he's honed his skills over the years at bars like new york's angel share, and in london and toronto, before joining speak low and sober company as the bars' manager.
atsushi shaking drinks at the chivas master china finals
他所供职的彼楼和sober company人才辈出。除了atsushi suzuki外,还有两位百加得传世鸡尾酒大师赛全球冠军shingo gokan(2012)与elizaveta evdokimova(2013)、尊美醇爱尔兰威士忌调酒师大赛全球冠军kazuhisha harai(2016)、以及百加得传世鸡尾酒大师赛中国区冠军faye陈诗蓓(2015)。
his win now puts him in good company with the super stars he works with at his bar, including bacardi legacy 2012 global champ shingo gokan and 2013 global winner elizaveta evdokimova, jameson bartenders ball 2016 world champion kazuhisa harai, and bacardi legacy 2015's china winner, faye chen.
作为冠军,atsushi suzuki将出席今年的鸡尾酒传奇大会,并获得由芝华士订制的荣誉分酒器。之后一年他将代表芝华士品牌,与其全球品牌大使max warner共同出席一系列活动。
atsushi wins a trip to tales of the cocktail, a bespoke chivas regal the icon decanter, and will represent the brand for a year with its global brand ambassador max warner.
congratulations, champ!
——atsushi suzuki
double talk
40ml 芝华士12年 chivas regal 12
20ml 金巴利 campari
20ml 白味美思 bianco vermouth
stir and serve over block ice in a rocks glass. garnish with matcha sea salt, or a salt unique to your country.
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